The movie is full of fun!!! The story is about H.I. (Nicholas Cage) an ex-convicted and "Ed" (Holly Hunter) an ex-police who meet when he keeps getting arrested for robbing convenience stores.
They fall in love, get married, decide that "there is just too much love" between them, and they want to have a baby.
I think the first important mishap is when they found that "Edwina's insides were a rocky place".
Then, they tried to adopt but are turned down because of H.I.'s record. Then they read in the newspaper about Nathan Arizona, owner of "Unpainted Arizona", and his wife having quintuplets as a result of fertility pills, and who joke that "They got more than they can handle".
I guess another mishap is when they plan to take one of the babies and raise it as their own!! In the movie sounds funny but I think it is terrible in the real life!
Then, I think that the best part of the movie is when they decide to return Junior to his parents! I took it like a moral because sometimes it`s difficult to realize when we are wrong and we want all kind of things that we can`t have.
However, I recommend it just to have fun in a sunday evening!!
The movie is full of fun!!! The story is about H.I. (Nicholas Cage) an ex-convicted and "Ed" (Holly Hunter) an ex-police who meet when he keeps getting arrested for robbing convenience stores.
They fall in love, get married, decide that "there is just too much love" between them, and they want to have a baby.
I think the first important mishap is when they found that "Edwina's insides were a rocky place".
Then, they tried to adopt but are turned down because of H.I.'s record. Then they read in the newspaper about Nathan Arizona, owner of "Unpainted Arizona", and his wife having quintuplets as a result of fertility pills, and who joke that "They got more than they can handle".
I guess another mishap is when they plan to take one of the babies and raise it as their own!! In the movie sounds funny but I think it is terrible in the real life!
Then, I think that the best part of the movie is when they decide to return Junior to his parents! I took it like a moral because sometimes it`s difficult to realize when we are wrong and we want all kind of things that we can`t have.
However, I recommend it just to have fun in a sunday evening!!